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Members’ Show

5 to 19 December 2015

Opening: Friday 4 December, 6-8pm

Milestone is the theme for this year’s 2015 Members’ show, in honour of NCCA’s milestone 25th year in 2015/16. NCCA first opened its doors as 24HR Art on April Fool’s Day, 1990. Perhaps it seemed like a foolhardy venture back then but the gallery has gone on to prove its mettle through a diverse contemporary art program over the past few decades which has challenged and inspired audiences and represented thousands of artists and curators from Darwin, the NT, and beyond.

Exhibiting member-artists (and a collector) were encouraged to take up the milestone theme to commemorate NCCA’s 25th year, or respond more broadly to the idea of milestone and what it might represent on a more personal or sociopolitical level.

Milestone judges Margie and Franck both have affiliations with the gallery stemming from its formative years; Margie was part of NCCA’s founding board while Franck exhibited in the gallery’s first exhibition even before it had a ‘permanent’ venue.

Special thanks to all who participated and supported our Milestone Members’ Show – Celebrating 25 years of NCCA’s enduring presence and commitment to providing a quality contemporary arts program in Darwin.

Congratulations to the following artists:

ANDREW EWING: who was the overall winner of Milestone and has won a trip to Brisbane to see APT8; courtesy of Brian Tucker Accounting & NCCA.

GAYE COYNE: 1st Honorable Mention with a $500 voucher courtesy Cope Sensitive Freight.

SARAH PIRRIE: 2nd Honorable Mention with a hamper courtesy Parap Fine Foods

Judges also commended the work of BILL DAVIES and WINSOME JOBLING.

NCCA awarded 2 prizes:

The BoxOpp Award went to JAN CARTER who will have the opportunity to show in the Boxset in 2016.

TEROMAH STUMPAGEE was awarded NCCA’s inaugural Emerging Photographer Award sponsored by Baz Ledwidge.

NCCA thanks both judges for their involvement and expertise. We are also grateful to our prize sponsors:

Images of MILESTONE Members’ Show 2015-related work by (top-bottom-left-right) Bill Davies, Andy Ewing, Winsome Jobling, Jan Carter, Gay Coyne, Sarah Pirrie, Teroma Stumpagee.



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