Balance Exhibition Congratulations to all the Artists who submitted work for the Balance | NCCA 2013 annual exhibition. Over fifty artists exhibited their work and the opening night was a resounding success. We would like to thank our two judges Louise Partos-Executive Director Artback NT: Arts Development and Touring, Neville Pantazis owner/manager of Parap Fine Foods, they did a great job of selecting the five award recipients this year.
Balance Award Winners Congratulations to Siying Zhou – NCCA 2013 Overall Winner, Clifford Relph – Highly Commended Award, Joel Mitchell – Honourabe Mention Award, Andy Ewing – Honourable Mention Award and David Wickens – NCCA Professional Development Award. A big THANK YOU to this years sponsors of the Artists Awards: Brian Tucker Accounting, Cope Sensitive Freight, Sky City Darwin, Parap Fine Foods, Jacksons Drawing Supplies, Art Monthly and All About Tea and Coffee in Parap.

NCCA 2013 Overall Winner Artist: Siying Zhou Title: Sit on Wishes Medium: Cuban cigar, organic chicken bone and cotton. Year: 2013

Highly Commended Award Artist: Clifford Relph Title: Order and Chaos Medium: Acrylic on canvas Year: 2013

Honourable Mention Award Artist: Andy Ewing Title: Chalice Medium: Glass goblet, found objects, semi-precious jewellery, fake and real pearls, electric cord, glitter, silver, ininti seeds, talismans, hope, glue. Year: 2013

Honourable Mention Award Artist: Joel Mitchell Title: Hidden Valley Medium: Found Wood, oil and laquer. Year: 2013

NCCA Professional Development Award Artist: David Wickens Title: Hidden Feathers Medium: Acrylic on board Year: 2013
Please visit our Facebook page at Northern Centre for Contemporary Art to view more installation images of the exhibition.